Saturday News Club 4 Saturday January 15, 2011 Vol. V-14 by Lee Bracker of Tucson

Giffords holds seats on the House Science and
Technology, House Armed Services and House
Foreign Affairs committees, and has served as
chairwoman of the House Space and Aeronautics

She is married to Veteran astronaut, Mark Kelly, who is
scheduled to command the final flight of the Space
Shuttle Endeavour which is slated for operation on
April 19th. He is also a Former Navy Captain and it's the US Navy 
who is very aware of Planet X's potentialities and have
even outlined a 'Safe Haven' for Retired Navy personnel in the
Arkansas-Missouri Ozarks.. His identical twin, Scott, and 
commander of the Expedition 26 mission, is currently living aboard
the International Space Station.

Updated 1/23/11A detailed report, written by Planet-X Researcher Gordon Gianninoto 
( *Gordon & Sheldon disagree on whether it's a Planet or not, plus as to Where
it Really is, so please take this into consideration when reviewing this *)
expounds upon the Space Program Secrecy Directives being Reinforced by NASA as
the Clock counts down for Planet-X's passage-It is seeping out gradually, little by little, a story so large, so big it cannot be contained. In the 
halls of Congress, in the secretive agencies, in the media boardrooms, in the homes and workplaces. 
A question. A whisper, a glance. An acknowledgment, and for most a secret too terrible to contemplate. 
We are all on the verge of everything changing. Changing forever. And we cannot, should not, put the 
genie back in the bottle. 

In order to make way for the new, the old has to be swept away. You are an old soul. You were born 
on an planet and will live and die on a planet. But if you are an eternal soul, all of your lifetimes are 
like grains of sand on an endless beach. Nothing that is you will ever be lost. It cannot be lost, will not
be lost, and you will be back, better than ever, forever.

So who is on the front lines? Our astronauts. They go up into space and they see with their own eyes
that Planet X is near the Sun. They see the tail with hundreds of large moons, thousands of smaller 
moons, and clouds of rocks, hydrocarbons and iron ore dust. They know the tail is made of twin 
strands rippling so that Planet X appears like a bird wheeling in the sky; like the 18,000 year old 
glyph in Bolivia warning it will come again. They know the rocks from the tail have swept through 
the solar system and are flying free to enter our atmosphere. 

You know that instead of scheduled meteor showers, rocks are burning up in our skies like never 
before. If you are in a space ship and a speck of dust the size of the head of a pin hits your ship
at 17,500 miles an hour or perhaps 40,000 miles an hour, you are done. Finished. It is over.

Astronauts are rigid people. They follow checklists and rules. They are used to being in command 
and in control. The ground controllers have the same personalities. You start at the top, and step
by step you move through your list and operations are sequential and automatic. You are an elite
bunch and you keep to yourselves. 

Everything you learn now you are prohibited from telling your spouse, your family, your friends. 
You can only talk to those with whom you work, and you grow closer to them and lose touch with
everyone else. Your coworkers become an extension of your personality and if they are in danger, 
you are in danger. You must protect each other. You must confide in each other. If you don't then 
you have nothing.

First it was alien starships seen and recorded, then alien ruins and archeology plainly created by
extraterrestrials millenia ago. Then it was reports of ET technology, and finally you were handed
devices gotten only from off the earth. But then you saw and recorded a new planet entering the 
solar system and you found out that the Earth is about to go through pole shift and nearly everyone
will die who does not save themselves. 

Then you learn the government has only plans to cover up every detail. You learn that your agency
has known the truth for over 50 years and that everyone except the elite leaders are expendable.
Then the agency is taken apart and new projects are canceled because there is no program after
pole shift. Then the elite managers above you are relocated to new states and given safe homes 
in gated communities. 

And you are told that you will stay on the job in a location certain to be washed clean by tidal surges,
and you are told  your work is to put your friends, your only confidants, your lovers, and compatriots
into harms way on what is a russian roulette suicide mission.

And then you pull out a gun and lose it. You shout that you will not be part of the coverup and you
will not murder your friends by putting them in harms way. And, being expendable, and powerless, 
you know nothing will change and so you use your few minutes left to threaten and beg and soon 
you will have a choice and it will be to die or be locked up forever, separated from what little of 
importance the agency let you enjoy.

By chance, CNN is there doing a story on the launch of the Discovery on the second to last shuttle 
mission. You know they have a humanoid robot on it to test replacing astronauts with machines and
you know why. But this robot is cargo not crew. There is nothing you can do. Then, it is over.

CNN requests information on the gun incident and is told that a security exercise is in progress. 
But no security exercise is ever performed before live tv cameras without previous permission, 
explanation and clearance. Then the announcement: a fuel leak has been found. As you are carted 
away, NASA plans to reinterview, test and diagnose the entire launch and shuttle crews. Who can 
be launched, who can be trusted? 

Will the replacements for you follow the rigid rules, or like the only french female astronaut, 
Claudette, blurt out at a news conference in the fall of 2008  "The people must be told, everyone 
must be warned" only to slam dunked off the stage to die hours later in a french mental hospital
while being 'treated' for a 'breakdown'.

Yes, how will the information affect each of you as the truth settles into your comfortable world 
and does not fit unless you change what you do, how you do it, and all your relationships with others.

Will others with their fingers on their buttons make it?

Well, this JUST happened.

Nov. 6th, 2010
I was watching CNN this morning, and they had a reporter at a NASA installation. He was reporting
on the final Discovery launch coming up. They ended up catching a security threat unfolding, with 
video of armed security moving through the area. CNN reported that there was a possible gunman
even. A few minutes later, NASA told them it was a routine security check. CNN was clearly upset 
about this. They were not told about it beforehand, though NASA let them have a reporter there.
Also, CNN monitors the scanners for info, and this was not described as a drill.
[and from another]
NASA: No Gunman at Ohio Research Facility [Nov 5]

A security test at NASA's Glenn Research Center caused a brief incident Friday after unconfirmed
reports of a gunman in the facility became public. There never was a gunman and no one was in 
danger at the 350-acre research facility next to Cleveland Hopkins International Airport in Ohio.

[and from another]
Fuel Leak Forces Another Launch Delay for Space Shuttle Discovery [Nov 5],0,6335210.story

It's the fourth delay in a week for Discovery's mission to the International Space Station with
six veteran astronauts and the first humanoid robot bound for orbit.

Security exercises do not include CNN reporters on site, as it raises the kinds of questions being
raised now. Security exercises are to test the reaction time and skill of the security at the 
installation, NOT to toy with the public’s perceptions. 

NASA is having increasing problems with its personnel, some of which has spilled into the news
in the past couple years. An astronaut driving across country in diapers to face an adulterous 
spouse in February, 2007. A scuffle over a poor evaluation of a contractor resulting in a shooting
death in April, 2007.

Since that time NASA has gone to extraordinary efforts to keep the mental health of their 
employees from the press. They have been assisted in this by national security directives, as the 
REASON for the breakdowns is their first-hand knowledge of Planet X. 

NASA employees going postal are secreted away in mental institutions, under very close wraps. 
NO contact with the outside world, including family! It is this or the other alternative, which is 
to be silenced, permanently. 

NASA employees must remain silent about the pending passage, and take great care not to reveal 
what they know by making personal plans for their or their families safety. Being assigned to 
the ISS or to the shuttle is considered a suicide mission. Debris in the tail of Planet X is slinging
around up there, and those forced to stay there are begging to return. 

This is the REASON for the “first humanoid robot” being included on the Discovery’s launch that 
has been seemingly perpetually aborted. 

Given all that, what occurred within camera range of the CNN reporters? Although the reason 
for the launch delays are cited as technical problems, the real reason is that those involved 
in the launch, i.e those who would be on the shuttle of whose support is required for a successful
launch, are NOT STABLE! 

Personnel have to be swapped out, and the whole launch routine practiced yet again. The gunman
had learned he was going to be part of the launch team, and considered this the equivalent of 
being asked to put a gun to a friend’s head.

There is more stress on astronauts than the media is told, as they see things out there than you cannot. 

They are of course told to keep their mouths shut, that the glowing orb quite visible from above 
the clouds, near the Sun and looking very threatening, is not to be mentioned among family or 

No confession to the priest. Can only talk about this among the other astronauts. Their affairs are 
due to more than long hours at the office! They cannot confide to spouses. People snap. We have 
mentioned that 43% of the pole shift survivors will be insane to some degree. 

Often the strongest snap first, as they are putting on a front, holding themselves too tight. End of story.

A poor evaluation, at the age of 60, retirement age, is a death sentence. Unless one is expecting to 
retire, they are in sudden financial shock. Often these types of evaluations are done just as the person
is approaching a pension age, when a few more years would make such a difference. 

NASA hires people who are highly technical, obsessive about detail, have a narrow view of life and 
can be counted on to stick their nose to the grindstone without glancing up or questioning the big 
picture. These are also the types who snap. End of story.”

Updated 1/22/11 An interesting exchange of thoughts on Gifford's Assassination is discussed
between Talk Show Host Rayelean Allen & Planet X Researcher John Dinardo, aired 1/11/11 on 
'The Micro Effect' Radio Network HERE..

Updated 1/30/11 Talk-Show Host Ronnie Mcmullen on the 'Micro Effect Radio Network'
has his own thoughts on this 'Assassin' who may indeed be 'Recruited' to perform 
this Massacre HERE

Updated 3/23/11 Talk-Show Host 'FreeMan' discusses the weird NASA Connection to
 this Tucson Shooting; Aired 1-15-11 on Oracle Broadcasting Network HERE

The mission in Space
The mission of the Endeavor is to deliver
micrometeoroid debris shields to the International
Space Station. The purpose of the shields, in my opinion, is to
strengthen the defense factor on the Station due to the
anticipated barrage of debris of rocks 
(purported by RBN Talk-Show Host 
John Moore's "Classified Source" to be 1/4 milliom miles
on either side of Planet X ) coming in with
Planet-X, or Niburu as it is also known. 
Updated 1/20/11: It may be interesting to note that on
1/13/11, NASA establishes 4/19 as the New Targeted Launch Date
for this mission.. Historically, Very Tragic Events have happened on
April 19th  and other “interesting” events coincide within only a few
days of this date.. In my firm opinion, The Elites carryout Satanic
Ritualistic Sacrifices on this Date, outer space included.

There is no other explanation for the wave of some
sort of anticipated debris cloud as there is none
documented on any chart. If so, none is reported to
the general public through any of the space and
aeronautical fltering outlets designed to inform the
public. In fact, reported one month later on January 12, is an article
in NASA Science News that the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory 
detected a storm of 25 house-sized icy comets dove into the sun 
beginning on Dec 13th and ending on the 22nd.  A Naval Research Lab
official calls this “unprecedented”..
Why is this report one month late... concealment?

Updated 1/22/11:Sheldon received this Email from Planet-X Research Associate John Dinardo on Monday 8/09/10
which emphasizes suspicious activity related to the Space Station..
Eight and a half tons of equipment has been launched up to the International Space Station. 
I don't know how heavy that station is, but it would appear that major renovation work is ongoing 
up there..”
Eight and a half tons of equipment has been launched up to the International Space Station. 
I don't know how heavy that station is, but it would appear that major renovation work is ongoing 
up there, and what about the tonnage that is being kept secret? Anyone who is familiar with the 
consistent deceit and the continual lying by our government should suspect that 8.5 tons is likely 
a falsely small estimation of the actual tonnage. Usually, they cut figures to one- half or one-third 
of their actual value, when they deceive the public about one of their typically clandestine operations. 
Everyone who is awake knows about the massive celestial body(ies) now being gravitationally drawn
in by our Sun, and the resultant cataclysms. So, of course, the prime and sole focus of the criminals
at the top is to escape the coming disasters. I believe that the International Space Station is a component 
in their clandestine escape plan, along with their trillion dollar underground cities, which Gov. Jesse 
Ventura recently documented on the TruTV channel.”
John DiNardo

Updated 1/22/11:
Other “Oddities” of this Assassination Attempt..
There's NO QUESTION in Sheldon's mind that this Shooting Event was Pre-Arranged by "somebody" or 
a "faction" within the Government..  The 'Mind-Controlled CIA Project MK-Ultra Assassin-Loughner, has
 NEVER been seen in ANY LIVE VIDEO since that event.. Only a Forged Mug Shot photo & a sketch of him.. 
Sheldon suspects that the Elites 
spirited Loughner away into a Super-Secret Witness Protection Program, just like Tim Mcveigh possibly
was !!!!!  Mcveigh NEVER DIED either in Prison according to a Former Press Agent who was there at Prison
witnessing the Execution  !!!!!! The REASON the public hasn't got to see the Crystal-Clear Surveillance Video
that captured the shooting, in Sheldon's opinion, is because the FBI or whoever is going to DOCTER it b4 
it's released, because they have "something" to hide !!!! 

Go watch the Reagan shooting on You Tube from 3/30/81.. The Networks IMMEDIATELY released that
& they clearly show the pool of Blood under Jim Brady's head without HIDING anything from us !!!! ( 6 minutes in )... 
What is so 'Secretive' of this Shooting that they can't release it ????  Is it maybe because tooo many folks
 are learning that these Assassins are Mind-Control Victims ?? Initially, the Sheriff firmly believed 
the ASSASSIN DID NOT ACT ALONE... Then, according to Nationally-Syndicated Talk Show Host 
Mark Levin queried as to WHY there were 100 FBI Agents around Tucson ?? Sheldon thinks it's to prevent 
leaks of a Compartmentalized 'Black Program' Operation of which he believes is to ensure the
cover stories are in place for the masses... I suspect that Loughner MIGHT have had 
a "Mind-Control Handler" standing by nearby just in case the operation failed...  

The 9-Year Old Girl was born on 9/11 & Died on 9/11 ( Jan. 8th= 1+8=9 Plus the Year, 11 !!!! ).. 
The Girl Died 119 days after she turned 9 and if you turn that around, you get 911.. 
The Elites are Perpetually Aroused with executing Numerology, Symbology, etc.
in Events that are CAUSED by them... The Secret Mystery Religion that they've always
Worshipped Necessitates that Numerology, etc., be employed when carrying out Ritualistic
Satanic Sacrifices or whatever the operation may be... Go to Dealey Plaza Where John 
Kennedy was Murdered & look at all the Symbolism encompassing that area !!!

Also interesting that the Glock Pistol used by the Shooter is the SAME handgun
Locked up in Gifford's Safe at her House !!!!

Damage Control
On August 10, 2010, former NASA Administrator,
Sean O’Keefe with his son, survived a downed small
airplane crash in a remote area of Alaska. 9 people
were aboard the craft including Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)
who was not so fortunate in the mishap.

Chief Astronomer Brian Marsden, who had a long
term illness and passed away on November 11, 2010,
quite possibly was murdered for speculated fear that
he would leak information about Nibiru. Sheldon infers that Marsden's name was later
mentioned in NASA ScienceNews on 1/12/11 in regards to the aforentioned 'Sundiving Comet
Storm' report to remind us that NASA still appreciated his contributions to Humanity, regardless of him
being possibly Murdered...The question remains as to what is happening in
space on a fnal mission of a space shuttle. What do two brothers on a final shuttle mission have
to do with the shooting debacle that occurred in January? One brother is already engaged in service
in space on the ISS and Gabrielle Giffords astronaut husband, Mark Kelly, the identical twin is ready 
to depart via last scheduled shuttle mission.

Sheldon Day, also a Tucsonan, and proprietor of a
website ( ) dedicated to the
onset of the Massive Brown Dwarf Star aka
Niburu, specializes in the study of its timing and
trajectory through our solar system at this time, has
formed an opinion about the reasons for an
assassination. He theorizes that there may have been
a potential problem or fear that Gabrielle Giffords
would spill the beans about the space program, and what
business they are actually conducting
on the space station. He thinks that if Gabrielle's
husband is on a suicide mission in space because of a
projected notion that Nibiru will wreak havoc to the
surface of the planet, create a pole shift, and most of
all clean out the Floridian panhandle that would
affect the entire space program with massive foods,
that by injuring Giffords would keep the astronauts
in line, hence they'd be compelled to execute their
mission without question. 

Disclosure of Nibiru's passage is the main fear 
of the Elites because they don't want to 
lose control of the masses by having the Economy shut down 
and having intelligently-driven businesses run for the hills 
to go into Survival Mode.

If the expected scenario of destruction by the regularly-Scheduled Return of the 
dwarf star Nibiru is an aerospace problem that is not to be disclosed is an agreeable argument, 
then the story of  murder is synonymous with the one that happened in 1963.  
JFK was ready to report openly to Americans  about the alien presence on earth 
and that they've been working among us since the Eisenhower Administration as
well as openly share our space program with the Russians. Disclosure is the main fear of the Elites. 

Planet X. Whether one believes it or not, it is on it's
way. The Sumarian Scrolls as well as many other
cultures tell us this. Gabrielle Giffords as part of the
Space Program would have to know this. Planet X is
racing towards us and the Elite know that havoc will
rage in the oceans enough so that it is predicted great
tsunamis will wipe out Kennedy Space Center as well
as other "Coastal" NASA Facilities including Cape
Canaveral, however, they don't want this information
in the public domain. Perhaps they are prepared with
the faked invasion known as Project Bluebeam. Canadian 
Researcher Serge Monast was apparently Murdered by NASA's
Project Bluebeam Technology ( the same Technology he had EXPOSED to the World )...
Whether it happens or not, preparations are being made.
Because Gabrielle Giffords is close to the aerospace
council arenas including high tech and the intimate
connections she has with astronauts in and out of
space, speculation that can be extrapolated is that she
knows about the destructive passage of Nibiru
through the solar system and past earth. 
She may have had plans to warn the people.
ENTIRETY OF LEE's soon-to-be-released Newspaper HERE
( This article will be overwritten with an Updated version as more puzzle pieces are connected )....