Governor David Paterson

State Capitol

Albany, NY 12224 


Governor Paterson, 

 On 2/11/10, you stated on Larry King Live that the accusations made
against you involved an issue of FAIRNESS standards, and that you
wouldn't want anyone to be subjected to something for which there is
no remedy other than fairness. Your actions in the following case will
demonstrate whether those words are true. 

 Rebecca Carley, MD, was charged with practicing medicine with a
mental disability which allegedly impaired her ability to practice
medicine on May 16, 2002. This charge occurred due to Dr. Carley’s
public access TV show where she outlined the cover up of the sexual
assault of her 3-year-old son by his father on Father's Day, 6/20/99.
Ex-Nassau County D.A. Denis Dillon, whose office was involved in the
cover-up, sent a copy of her TV show to the Office of Professional
Medical Conduct (OPMC). The OPMC then charged Dr. Carley with having a
"non-bizarre delusion" involving the conspiracy to cover up this
toddler's violent assault. Joey Carley was unable to have a bowel
movement for 2 weeks after the assault. This crime was covered up by
various governmental agencies, including the police, CPS, DA's office,
etc. Reporter Paul Vitello, in the 2/11/03 edition of Newsday,
described DA Dillon as a "public servant...who has spent a quarter
century in office giving free passage to corrupt politicians, brutal
correction officers, bad cops, just about anyone with a uniform or a
position in society". Vitello described Dillon as an "avatar of
silence" regarding his quarter century of inaction in prosecuting
pedophile priests. There is no remedy. There is no fairness. 

 Dr Carley had evaluations done by 10 psychiatrists and psychologists
who all found her normal even after what had been done to her only
child. * The OPMC did not allow these evaluations into evidence.* The
definition of delusion is a "fixed false belief". Since Dr Carley has
a mountain of evidence proving her son's rape was covered up, there is
no false belief. The actual facts include 2 days of foster parent
testimony of what Joey told them his father had done to him. This
evidence proving there was no false belief was * not allowed into the
record* by the OPMC either. *No evidence was submitted by the OPMC
that Dr Carley's ability to practice medicine was in any way

 On 7/6/03, the OPMC suspended Dr. Carley's license (docket # BPMC
#03-179); only 2 of the 3 OPMC board members concurred. The Chairman
of the board hearing Dr. Carley's case was Dr. Patrick Carone; a
psychiatrist who also sat on the board of Nassau County Medical Center
(one of whose employees committed a class E felony by throwing Joseph
Carley's rape kit into the garbage without it being evaluated,
destroying critical physical evidence). Dr. Carone obviously had a
major conflict of interest to be involved in this case. Dr. Carley was
ordered to undergo psychiatric treatment for a fraudulent diagnosis.
Such was an obvious attempt to cause physical harm to Dr. Carley with
dangerous psychiatric drugs. 

 To further illustrate the total fraud in this case, on 9/17/03 the
NYS legislature passed bill A1108A into law, ordering the OPMC to turn
criminal doctors in to the authorities after pedophile pediatric
neurologist Philip Ryback had sexually abused over 100 of his
pediatric patients. The OPMC having received complaints about this
pedophile MD did NOTHING. The public outcry that resulted led to the
legislature passing this bill. Therefore, the medical board who
claimed Dr. Carley had a "delusion" that her son's sexual abuse was
being covered up by authorities were COVERING UP SEXUAL ABUSE

 Dr. Carley put hundreds of pages of documents into the record during
a hearing in the NC legislature. The deputy majority counsel of the
Nassau County (NC) Legislature at the time, Sharon Commissionig, wrote
to Attorney General Eliot Spitzer requesting him to investigate the
cover up of Joey Carley’s sexual abuse. Dr. Carley also had a
federal lawsuit against ex-NC family Court judge Richard Lawrence at
the time. Instead of investigating this case, Spitzer represented
judge Lawrence and got the case dismissed. Dr. Carley was granted a
divorce based on domestic violence; on that basis alone, this violent
man should not have been awarded custody by corrupt judge Lawrence. 

 When Andrew Cuomo did his "road show" around NYS in the fall of 2008,
a large group of Long Islanders demanded he investigate Dr. Carley’s
case. He turfed the demand to his assistant Mylan Denerstein, who did
absolutely nothing. It is obvious that Cuomo is the likely suspect to
have instigated the scandal you are now caught up in so he can push
you out and run for governor. How would the public respond to knowing
that Cuomo is continuing the corruption and fraud in this case,
furthering the irreparable damages caused to now 14 year old Joseph
Carley, who has had no contact with his mother for over 8 years
because his mother speaks the truth? 

 We DEMAND ACTION from you to restore her license immediately. We
expect a response in writing outlining the exact steps by which you
will accomplish this. Since the corruption in this case extends to so
many agencies within NYS government (including the AG office), it is
obvious that this case calls for an independent investigator. Dr.
Carley now lives in North Carolina due to the harassment she was
enduring in NYS, including attempts on her life. Her contact info is: 

Rebecca Carley, MD

PO Box 9241

Hickory, NC 28603


 Dr. Carley has a weekly internet radio show with listeners all over
the world; she will be reporting your response to this demand for an
investigation to her listeners. If you do not provide Remedy and
Fairness the next Action planned is a massive demonstration on the
steps of your office in Albany. 


your name


cc: Dr. Carley

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diseases.  Rather, it is for educational purposes only. ***

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<div style="margin: 1ex;">
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Governor David Paterson</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">State Capitol</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Albany, NY&nbsp; 12224</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">date</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Governor Paterson,</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On 2/11/10, you stated on Larry  King Live that the accusations made against you involved an issue of  FAIRNESS standards, and that you wouldn't want anyone to be subjected  to something for which there is no remedy other than fairness.&nbsp;  Your actions in the following case will demonstrate whether those words  are true.</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Rebecca  Carley, MD, was charged with practicing medicine with a mental disability  which allegedly impaired her ability to practice medicine on May 16,  2002.&nbsp; This charge occurred due to Dr. Carley&rsquo;s public access  TV show where she outlined the cover up of the sexual assault of her  3-year-old son by his father on Father's Day, 6/20/99.&nbsp; Ex-Nassau  County D.A. Denis Dillon, whose office was involved in the cover-up,  sent a copy of her TV show to the Office of Professional Medical Conduct  (OPMC).&nbsp; The OPMC then charged Dr. Carley with having a &quot;non-bizarre  delusion&quot; involving the conspiracy to cover up this toddler's  violent assault.&nbsp; Joey Carley was unable to have a bowel movement  for 2 weeks after the assault.&nbsp; This crime was covered up by various  governmental agencies, including the police, CPS, DA's office, etc.&nbsp;  Reporter Paul Vitello, in the 2/11/03 edition of <u>Newsday</u>, described  DA Dillon as a &quot;public servant...who has spent a quarter century  in office giving free passage to corrupt politicians, brutal correction  officers, bad cops, just about anyone with a uniform or a position in  society&quot;.&nbsp; Vitello described Dillon as an &quot;avatar of  silence&quot; regarding his quarter century of inaction in prosecuting  pedophile priests.&nbsp; There is no remedy.&nbsp; There is no fairness.</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Dr  Carley had evaluations done by 10 psychiatrists and psychologists who  all found her normal even after what had been done to her only child.&nbsp;&nbsp; <b> The OPMC did not allow these evaluations into evidence.</b>&nbsp; The  definition of delusion is a &quot;fixed false belief&quot;.&nbsp; Since  Dr Carley has a mountain of evidence proving her son's rape was covered  up, there is no false belief.&nbsp; The <u><strong>actual facts</strong></u> include 2 days  of foster parent testimony of what Joey told them his father had done  to him.&nbsp; This evidence proving there was no false belief was <b> not allowed into the record</b> by the OPMC either.&nbsp; <b>No evidence  was submitted by the OPMC that Dr Carley's ability to practice medicine  was in any way impaired.</b></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">On  7/6/03, the OPMC suspended Dr. Carley's license (docket # BPMC #03-179); only 2 of the 3 OPMC  board members concurred.&nbsp; The Chairman of the board hearing Dr.  Carley's case was Dr. Patrick Carone; a psychiatrist who also sat on  the board of Nassau County Medical Center (one of whose employees committed  a class E felony by throwing Joseph Carley's rape kit into the garbage  without it being evaluated, destroying critical physical evidence).&nbsp;  Dr. Carone obviously had a major conflict of interest to be involved  in this case.&nbsp; Dr. Carley was ordered to undergo psychiatric treatment  for a fraudulent diagnosis.&nbsp; Such was an  obvious attempt to cause physical harm to Dr. Carley with dangerous psychiatric drugs.</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">To  further illustrate the total fraud in this case, on 9/17/03 the NYS  legislature passed bill A1108A into law, ordering the OPMC to turn criminal  doctors in to the authorities after pedophile pediatric neurologist  Philip Ryback had sexually abused over 100 of his pediatric patients.&nbsp;  The OPMC having received complaints about this pedophile MD did NOTHING.&nbsp; The public  outcry that resulted led to the legislature passing this bill.&nbsp;  Therefore, the medical board who claimed Dr. Carley had a &quot;delusion&quot;  that her son's sexual abuse was being covered up by authorities were  COVERING UP SEXUAL ABUSE THEMSELVES.&nbsp; </font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Dr.  Carley put hundreds of pages of documents into the record during a hearing  in the NC legislature.&nbsp; The deputy majority counsel of the Nassau  County (NC) Legislature at the time, Sharon </font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#ff0000" size="3" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Commissionig</font><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">, wrote to Attorney General Eliot Spitzer requesting him to investigate the cover up of Joey Carley&rsquo;s sexual abuse.&nbsp; Dr. Carley also had a federal lawsuit against ex-NC family Court judge Richard Lawrence at the time.&nbsp; Instead of investigating this case, Spitzer represented judge Lawrence and got the case dismissed.&nbsp; Dr. Carley was granted a divorce based on domestic violence; on that basis alone, this violent man should not have been awarded custody by corrupt judge Lawrence.</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">When  Andrew Cuomo did his &quot;road show&quot; around NYS in the fall of  2008, a large group of Long Islanders demanded he investigate Dr. Carley&rsquo;s  case.&nbsp; He turfed the demand to his assistant Mylan Denerstein,  who did absolutely nothing.&nbsp; It is obvious that Cuomo is the likely  suspect to have instigated the scandal you are now caught up in so he  can push you out and run for governor.&nbsp; How would the public respond  to knowing that Cuomo is continuing the corruption and fraud in this  case, furthering the irreparable damages caused to now 14 year old Joseph  Carley, who has had no contact with his mother for over 8 years because  his mother speaks the truth?</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">We  DEMAND ACTION from you to restore her license immediately.&nbsp; We  expect a response in writing outlining the exact steps by which you  will accomplish this.&nbsp; Since the corruption in this case extends  to so many agencies within NYS government (including the AG office),  it is obvious that this case calls for an independent investigator.&nbsp;  Dr. Carley now lives in North Carolina due to the harassment she was  enduring in NYS, including attempts on her life.&nbsp; Her contact info  is:</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Rebecca Carley, MD</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">PO Box 9241</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Hickory, NC&nbsp; 28603</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">828-294-0662</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Dr.  Carley has a weekly internet radio show with listeners all over the  world; she will be reporting your response to this demand for an investigation  to her listeners.&nbsp; If you do not provide Remedy and Fairness the  next Action planned is a massive demonstration on the steps of your  office in Albany. </font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Sincerely,</font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">your name</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">address</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">cc: Dr. Carley</font></p>
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*** Dr. Carley's information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases.  Rather, it is for educational purposes only. ***<br />
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